

客户端真的很喜欢和雷和泰勒一起工作. 那是客户端人生中充满挑战的时期, 非常情绪化, and he helped us through every step of the process with compassion and gentle direction. We felt like he clearly laid out our options and gave us space to choose what we thought was best, 并在被问及时给出自己的意见. We were nervous when hiring an attorney for this process that they would be pushing their own agenda and that was not the case at all. It was great to have someone in our corner that has so much experience and expertise in this area. We are happy that the final result will benefit our child throughout her lifetime.


龙8国际app很专业, 有礼貌, and helpful with large or small concerns; especially builder / contractor related matters. 强烈推荐!

- Troy Cuvelier, Integrated Smart Technologies总裁

凯琳·洛让复杂变得简单. 他们的员工是首屈一指的,并作为注册理财规划师™, 我满怀信心地推荐他们. 他们不仅倾听客户的需求, they take the time to know their clients personally to ensure all goals are met at the most efficient price. 这家公司的优点我说不完.

——注册理财规划师Brandon Bauer

伟大的公司! 在最近一起针对建筑商的诉讼中请他们代理. 出色的沟通,出色的成绩! 强烈推荐!


We were very happy to find an attorney to help us move in a timely matter on a lawsuit that two other attorneys never moved forward. 客户端得到了客户端期待的积极结果. 客户端会向任何人强烈推荐他.


伟大的经历. 非常彻底和及时. 我会回去的.


Mr. 凯琳彬彬有礼, very knowledgeable and more than willing to meet us the first time at our home, 好让我丈夫好过些. He explained about estate planning, so we understood exactly what we needed to have. 亚当和他的工作人员能够完成预先指令, 客户端的意志, 生前信托等, 按照要求. He has a notary on staff and was able to have a witness available just when we needed one. Made the entire visit run smoothly, even though we showed up an hour early (by mistake). He also spent his time checking into a separate matter for us, out of the goodness of his heart.


最近,我有机会与. 凯琳来规划我的遗产,我很佩服. 他知识渊博,很专业. 凯琳律师听取了我的意愿, 问相关的问题, 并提供了最适合我需要的选择. 他善于把法律术语用外行的术语解释清楚. 我期待着与刘先生的合作. Keilen again and would highly recommend him to anyone looking to plan their estate.


龙8国际app continues to be an excellent partner for our medical device company. Adam Keilen has been helping us navigate the complex legal and regulatory road from startup idea to FDA-approved medical device. He is always professional and knowledgeable and explains legal matters to us in a way we can understand. 客户端感谢并强烈推荐他的服务.


信任ing someone with Intellectual property or an idea for a start-up company can be hard to do. Adam seems to have a vast array of knowledge in many aspects of business and is able, 通过他的经历, 提供首屈一指的服务. You can be assured your ideas will be protected and complimented with exceptional care at 龙8国际app. Thanks for your services Adam and I look forward to working with you in the future.

- Greg May, Widget Design Factory, LLC

我的职业是理财规划师和财富管理者, 我经常与律师接触和合作. I want you to know that Adam Keilen is unlike any other lawyer that you have ever experienced. 他的初步咨询是免费的. He uses his time to get to know you, your expectations, goals, and objectives. 这也给了你了解他的机会. 当你和亚当在一起的时候, you can tell that he is actually interested and vested in providing you the best care and service for your needs. 他给了你一个准确的引用, he gives you suggestions and advice that pertain to exactly what you are asking without dancing around any issues. 他确保不会暴露任何东西, and that everything is taken care of when it comes to your estate being perfectly planned. 亚当创立了我的有限责任公司,还有我的家族信托基金. Whenever I had a question about anything, I had access to Adam and his expertise. He answered my questions promptly and accurately and he had our trust done just as quickly. I would recommend Adam Keilen from 龙8国际app to anyone who is interested in ensuring that their estate is in order, to anyone who does not want anything in their estate to go through probate court, 以及任何需要为自己的小企业创建有限责任公司的人. 他确实是精英中的精英.

——蒂芙尼. Welka, VFG Associates, LLC副总裁

I highly recommend 龙8国际app, and in fact, have done so on a few recent occasions. Specifically, Adam is everything you want in legal counsel – honest, fair and knowledgeable. Adam is different than other lawyers as he has personal pre-law experience starting his own business ventures. 龙8国际app knows what businesses go through when they start up, partner and grow. 如果你联系凯琳·洛,你不会失望的.

——Ryan Jankovic,企业医疗产品有限责任公司(所有者/创始人)

Attorney Keilen was recommended by my brother-in-law when I found myself in need of legal counsel. 我很高兴我决定使用罗凯琳. I felt genuinely cared for and brilliantly represented during my time of need. 我的法律问题得到了非常及时和专业的处理. 我现在绝对是推荐罗凯琳的人之一.


Attorney Keilen possesses a remarkable understanding of litigation strategy and displays a court room demeanor and poise only seen in seasoned litigators.

——本杰明·J. 赫伯特,本杰明律师事务所. 赫伯特

在过去的几年里, I have had the opportunity to send my clients (as a financial advisor) to Keilen for their legal needs (estate planning, 合并, 等.),并从他们每个人那里得到了非常积极的反馈. 我将继续这样做,对凯琳充满信心.

- VFG Associates, LLC

罗斯、亚当和员工都很有见识,工作表现也很出色. They are very accommodating to your unique situation and continue to be helpful even after all the services are completed by being available to answer any questions. I would highly recommend 龙8国际app for your estate planning or any other legal need.

——Nate Boonstra, Forest Hills Financial, Inc.

两个亚当 & 龙8国际app的Ross对我和我的小企业来说是一个了不起的资源. They are very responsive, professional, and always have my best interests in mind. 对我来说最重要的是信任, 我将继续使用他们的服务,因为他们赢得了我的信任.


亚当·凯伦在遗产规划方面做得很好. He’ll make sure you and your family have everything you need and present it in a way that you can understand.


我和Adam and 龙8国际app在一起的经历非常棒! 我很欣赏亚当直截了当、以结果为导向的方法. 他的信心和知识基础提供了最好的结果.


勤奋和诚信始终是我执业的首要原则. 我不希望我的客户体验到除此之外的任何东西. 亚当交付. 简单明了.
